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标题: 【PTE写作】你的Essay能拿满分吗?来看这道高频真题满分范文分析吧~ [打印本页]

作者: 雀斑1992    时间: 2017-4-24 17:51
标题: 【PTE写作】你的Essay能拿满分吗?来看这道高频真题满分范文分析吧~
写作是PTE考试相对来说要求较低的部分,特别是Write Essay题型。很多同学在Essay题型花太多时间,导致写不完,是十分不划算的。今天我们就来看一道Essay高频真题,看看这篇满分范文是如何写的吧——
Some people believe that the law changes human behaviour. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.
The law has been created in order to preserve peace and harmony in various communities. However, some people believe that law changes human behavior. In my opinion, I believe that the law does not change people because the law exists in order to protect people only. This means it only preventspeople from causing harm and does not change how people should behave.
【Introduction段落Paraphrase一下题目点明背景,同时要明确地表达出自己的观点。添加下划线的套句和信号词要注意使用,同时Law和human behaviour相关的关键词(加粗部分)也要反复出现。】
Firstly, different people behave differently, and it is based on their daily habits and exposure to surroundings. For example, a person tends to behave similar to his company, such as his parents or friends. Apart from that, it is also based on the social media that he involves himself in. Based on this exposure, an individual will act accordingly depending on the situation he is in.
【论点一:人人的行为都因所处环境和习惯而有所不同。信号词依旧非常明确,在PTE考试最忌讳的就是用很委婉的写法。大大的写出Firstly, for example等等信号词,电脑才好识别你的文章是否结构准确,Writte Discourse分数才能拿到高分。同时依旧是与Behavior相关的关键词要反复出现,识别你是否跑题靠的就是关键词,所以不要怕多多的使用——】
Secondly, when people break the law, it is usually not because of his behavior. A person's behavior is how he acts every day, whereas a committed crime is usually because of desperation or some other reasons. For example, a criminal would only steal money from someone if he is in terrible conditions such as starvation. The law was set up to punish these criminals and to ensure that the general public is able to live in peace. Therefore, it is evident that the law does not change human behavior.
In conclusion, although some people believe that the law may change human behavior, I believe that the law is just playing its role in ensuring that people are able to live happily. The behavior of a person is not defined by law but by people who they interact with daily. (268 words)
【结论段,再次阐明自己的观点。In conclusion也明确点明,我这是结论了。而且我们不难发现,本篇文章作者一没有使用非常高大上的词汇,二没有使用复杂的句型,照样是满分。这是因为文章没有任何语法词汇错误,没有跑题,同时结构非常明确。
1. 文章信号词不明确,电脑无法识别文章结构。这点一定会体现在你的Written Discourse分数上,其实这一项非常好拿满分,只要像范文一样用牵线易懂的信号词引导你的文章结构即可。很多同学忽略了这点,会造成不必要的丢分。
2. 想写高大上句型导致语法错误。PTE考试机改的特性导致它对于语句是否“美”是否“高大上”的识别能力相对较弱,但是对于语法错误可以说是一揪一个准。所以为了所谓的语言优美而去写复杂句,反而容易造成不必要的错误。
3. 乱用词汇Vocabulary被扣分。很多考生由于受到其他英语考试的影响,往往会想用一些高大上的单词来企图提升自己的词汇分数。但是这必须是在保证用对的情况下的,如果把单词用在错误的情境下,不仅不加分,还会导致Vocabulary扣分。
4. 没有时间检查导致Spelling扣分。

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