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标题: 【托福口语】一个人也能练好~ [打印本页]

作者: wuhuier    时间: 2012-2-28 18:38
标题: 【托福口语】一个人也能练好~
不会说,就是语言知识的储备不够,没有达到可以应用语言的能力,所以会出现词不达意或句型使用错误的情况。即使勉强说也是支离破碎的broken English. 这个就需要科学的方法来有效的学习语言了。
说不好,一般表现为表达不够流畅或内容逻辑有问题,有时候这种情况也会出现在母语的表达中。不过,没关系, 只要坚持练习, 经常使用这门语言就好了。那一定是Practice makes perfect!
那么怎么实现呢?就是要经过背诵--Recitation。背诵是练习口语的必经之路。母语初期的习得,都是经过大量的背诵,何况外语? 比如我们从小就跟着老师背诵汉语拼音,到后来背诵古诗,古词或漂亮的文章。而且背诵也是最直接的习得口语的方法。它的最大好处就是你不用再思维,省去了由中文转译成英文的过程。如果现组织语言,会不够流利,还会经常出现语法或用词错误,更为冒险的是你说的话可能会是Chinglish,被人听不懂。既节省时间,又地道,何乐而不为呢?到后来,所有背过的东西都会构成你的原始积累。
Let bygones be bygones
A: What’s happened to Cindy? I’ve lost track of her lately.
B: I don’t know, and I really don’t care. Cindy always rubbed me the wrong way.
A: Really? I took it for granted you two were good friends.
B: We used to be. Not anymore, though. I got tired of her remarks.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. Cindy’s really a nice girl, though. And life’s too short to stay angry at someone. Come on. Let bygones be bygones. I’m sure she’d like to be friends again. Meet her halfway.
B: I suppose you are right. I’ll turn over a new leaf and start again. It’s no fun being mad at people.
lose track of s.o. 与某人失去联系
rub s.o. the wrong way
took it for granted 原以为
used to be
get tired of her remarks 讨厌她的品头论足
stay angry at someone.一直对某人生气
Life’s too short to stay angry at someone. 这句话也特别有哲理,说不定在某个特定场合,你就会想到,然后英文脱口而出,你的朋友会马上顿悟。
Come on. 算了吧,别那样。
Let bygones be bygones.
meet s.o halfway 让某人一步。
turn over a new leaf
no fun doing
假设我们在第一阶段背诵了这么一段文字。I think listening to music is a good way to relax, especially those pieces I listened during my childhood. Sometimes I sing in a loud voice when I feel depressed or worried. It's really helpful to relax myself.
I think watching TV is a good way to relax, especially the programs that are entertaining. Sometimes I laugh with the audience on the spot. It's really helpful to relax myself.
I think surfing the Internet is a good way to relax, especially when I learn some interesting news about the world. Sometimes I share my idea with the other net-surfers. It's really helpful to relax myself.
第四阶段:就进入自由表达阶段了。这个阶段就是对语言的一种创造 ---Creation. 实际上也是对语言的运用达到了最高境界,以之前储备的句型为载体,加入自己的思想来表达观点,是对语言最灵活自如的运用,也能真正的使英文这门Foreign Language. 变成了Second Language,几乎可以像母语一样文思泉涌。
Where do you prefer to watch a movie, at home or at the movie theater?
Sample answer:
While I wouldn’t mind seeing movies on the big screen at the movie theater, still I’d rather watch the movies at home.
The most obvious benefit of watching movies at home is the pause button. You don’t have to sit there for two or three hours in a row (一口气的). You can pause it to have a cup of coffee and take a rest; sometimes you can rewind to (返回到) the parts you missed or enjoy your favorite parts over and over again.
Also, the cost is another factor that people may consider. They try to stay home other than go to the theater not only because of the ticket price itself, but also because of the outrageous(过分的)expense for drinks and snacks.
Finally, I guess the comfort of seeing movies at home appeals a lot of people. Setting the laptop on the bed and lying there to watch is very relaxing.
So that’s why I would be more pleased with seeing movies at home.
总之,原始积累阶段通过Recitation ---句型扩张阶段通过-Imitation ----思维形成阶段通过Repetition ----自由表达阶段通过Creation, 就可以使你在日后的学习,工作和生活当中进行conversation —presentation—explanation —discussion.

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