译文: Letter of Agreement
I, the undersigned:
***( 前夫名 ) male,born on JUN. 8.19**
ID No. **************()
Content of agreement:
***( 母亲名) and I were married in Jan 19** and we have a legitimate son ***(Another name: **, born on MAR. **, 19** ).
We were divorced on May.,**, 20** and our son *** has been in the custody of his mother ***( 母亲名).
I have agreed that ***( 母亲名) will take our son ***(孩子名)along to migrat to America.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------版主:你好! 带小孩去美国的一方对小孩拥有完全的抚养监护权,并在离婚公证书里明示。请问还需要另一方的声明信吗?一定需要吗?如果另一方不同意,怎么办?沒有这份声明信会影响签证吗? 盼复!谢谢!