[gu] 3102AFE Auditing final exam tips

本帖最后由 phoebezxm 于 2009-11-10 21:39 编辑


Auditing final exam tips 2009 S1 final exam
1. two types of fraud
Frauduland financial repporting
misappropriation of assets

2. internal control cases
a) transaction-related audit objective   (只要答出是哪一条就好)
b) test of control
c) substantive test of transactions (只要答出是哪一条就好)

3. five categories of specific matters of management representation letter

4. CH15 calculation 据说这个学期会变难一点点,当时我们真的只是变了变数而已

5. auditor’s legal liability - Probable extent and legal issues

Auditing 2009 s1 supplementary exam
a) textbook table 2.3
b) state the appropriate audit report for each situation

2. what is the probable extent of the auditor’s liability in this case? What are the legal issues involved in this case? 这一题我是从一个tutor那做过相似的练习,才知道原来要这样答的
Part I Test of auditor liability – 4 tests P93
Part II Case: Box 3.4, Box 3.5, Box 3.6, Box 3.8
Part III Conclusion

3. CH 15 – Calculation – the question and the samples are in the similar way

4. internal control – remember the table 13.2 and table 13.3

5. 其实只要你背了13.2和13.3这些都是在那两张表里的
a) transaction-related audit objectives
b) test of control
c) substantive test of transactions


参与人数 1威望 +10 金币 +10 收起 理由
Debbie + 10 + 10 社区以你为荣


19# fififish 大题考的什么啊?麻烦你告诉我..
18# jaewonkim 晕...我考砸了
17# fififish

我已经defer 了..
16# jaewonkim 呦.你也考啊.我也是,太多东西了 根本记不住...哎 希望考试可以有贵人相助..
还有就是CH3你给出的那个TIPS,PART 2是写CASE的什么东西啊??
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