Graduate Program (sharing BDO AC experience)

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pinkleopard 发表于 2012-10-13 16:51
I'm not pretty sure of that, but IELTS will not be a case of consider in the future.

It would be fantastic. If this was the case, more international students would be able to apply for positions in Big 4. I think it would be a great experience for them even they could not be granted an offer at the end. I am always thinking that I should get four 8s in IELTS to back up my application for positions in big companies like Big 4. Anyway, I will take some English course in Tafe once I get my PR. I think it is a bottle neck for me now and I have to overcome it if I want to compete against locals .

Thanks a lot for your information. Hope to get more inside news in the future.

Cheers :)
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刚到阿村 发表于 2012-10-13 22:47
Your score of Ielts is so high, could you pls show some skills of passing that? Tks.....

Thank you.

Well, there is no easy means to achieve a satisfactory score.
According to my experience, reading textbooks and attending lectures in the uni are the most helpful approaches for students to get a high score in reading and listening. This is it. I think this is how I improve it because I did not prepare for listening and reading at all before I took the IELTS tests.

With regard to the speaking and writing, as you can see from my previous posts, they are still my weaknesses now although my highest score for writing and speaking were 7.5.
If you need some advice on these two parts, you can ring me  or send me email. It is too complicated to explain it here.
rosszhu 发表于 2012-10-13 23:49
It would be fantastic. If this was the case, more international students would be able to apply fo ...

I believe IELTS isn't a point to worry about it. The most important thing is to do well during the interview. Whatever Big 4 are not the main choices too, there are lots of good firms in Aust and they broad out.

From what I can see in the market, they require professionals and working experience. Therefore, how high the achievement in IELTS will be easily cancelled out if you have nothing on hand.

Get more internships or working experience in small firm will help you to build up your base to work in bigger firms further down.

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rosszhu 发表于 2012-10-13 23:56
Thank you.

Well, there is no easy means to achieve a satisfactory score.

tks for your reply, i am new here and i really want to improve my poor English, i will take the ielts examination in Dec,but i have no confidence ... could you pls tell me your phone number or any other contacting ways?by the way, can you speak chinese?tks a lot
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pinkleopard 发表于 2012-10-14 13:45
I believe IELTS isn't a point to worry about it. The most important thing is to do well during the ...

Thanks for your tips. Interview skills, I think, are now what I desperately need. How can do a better job in an interview?
Do you know someone who provides services like interview training? or some websites that offers such kind of services?

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刚到阿村 发表于 2012-10-14 14:04
tks for your reply, i am new here and i really want to improve my poor English, i will take the ie ...

Of course I can speak Chinese. The purpose of using English here is to create more opportunities for us to practice our English skills. The more we practice, the more we can get better.

My phone is 0423 608 919.
or you can contact me via my email
[email protected]

Good luck with your IELTS test.

我觉得LZ走入了雅思的误区,雅思多少分和英语能力没有什么关联。就算考到4个9,你和母语出身的人比起来肯定是劣势,唯一可以超过他们的地方是逻辑。如果只是普通的behavior questions,几乎输定了,但是如果分析案例,你可以别人想不到的视角和方式阐述。

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toli6842 发表于 2012-10-15 07:18

我觉得LZ走入了雅思的误区,雅思多少分和英语能力没有什么关联。就算 ...

rosszhu 发表于 2012-10-15 13:19

part time也是经验,这个很多都是上学的时候慢慢打工积累的。
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toli6842 发表于 2012-10-15 14:25
part time也是经验,这个很多都是上学的时候慢慢打工积累的。

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