置顶悉尼最专业华人搬运公司MaxMove Removals大房豪宅长途搬家首选

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质量无折扣,拒绝价格战!悉尼搬家不找 MaxMove, 是您的遗憾!

‘ Setting Moving Standards"

MaxMove Removals 是一家成立于悉尼,服务区域涵盖 NSW, VIC, QLD, 并以满足顾客多样化要求,实现顾客最大满意度为经营理念的专业搬运公司。

MaxMove 深知您在搬家过程中经历着心理上经济上的双重压力,我们愿以专业,优质,高效,体贴的服务为您的搬迁带来便利与轻松。

通过观察和了解,我们发现悉尼搬运行业从业者资历与素质良莠不齐,导致不诚信,服务质量低劣现象时有发生。因此,为树立悉尼一流搬运服务品牌,打造搬运行业全新形象,MaxMove 特别承诺:

1. 无 40 岁以上及学生员工,全职与青壮员工是保证服务质量的最基本;

2. 团队成员制服,无烟,文明礼貌作业,使得客人得到优质的服务体验;

3. 诚信经营,不拖时间,不加楼层费,不索要误餐费跟小费;

4. 无预定卡车跟实际出现车辆不一直的现象,以避免车厢体量小的尴尬。

以上是 MaxMove 在经营中一贯坚持并深深受益的基本原则, 在获得大量回头客的同时,客人又把我们介绍给自己的朋友和家人,我们深感鼓舞与感激。


服务范围: 家庭 / 商业 / 办公室 / 钢琴 /高端家具与橱柜运输(专长 3 房以上house 整房悉尼市内或跨洲长途搬家) 打包与拆包服务 (使用高质量专业包装箱与防破损材料,在最大程度减少物品破损的风险的同时,提高整个搬运过程的效率) 拆装家具,清运废弃家具

车辆类型: 10-15 吨专业家具运输卡车,带升降机 (车厢容积 35-55 立方,车厢长度 21-25 尺)最小卡车能容纳 4 房家具以及户外桌椅跟 BBQ 炉

*我们从不使用 9 吨以下的轻型卡车,保险起见建议一般两房搬家避开选择这类车型车,避免跑两趟的风险。另外,车厢体积越大越节省装车时间*。

服务区域: 悉尼全区域 Regional NSW: Blue Mountains/Wollongong/ South Coast/Central Coast/ Newcastle/ Port Macquarie/ Coffs Harbour/Tweed Heads/ Orange/ Armidale/ Albury

Interstate: Brisbane/ Gold Coast/ Sunshine Coast/ Canberra/ Melbourne/ Mildura/ Adelaide

本公司有车辆定期往返 墨尔本 -- 悉尼 -- 布里斯本, 提供返空车的整车, 拼车运输服务, 是您实现低成本长途跨洲搬家, 货运, ebay大件物品递送的首选. 欢迎提前咨询预定.

Sydney to Brisbane 22/10/17, 23/11/17 ;

Brisbane to Sydney 23/10/17, 24/11/17,

Sydney to Melborne 10/10/17

MaxMove 同时推出打包,拆包,搬家纸箱租售服务,退屋 清洁,地毯蒸洗服务。 MaxMove 给您一条龙搬家服务。搬家 + 清洁其实很简单,MaxMove 帮您办!!! 搬家 + 清洁不止很简单,MaxMove 还给您优惠!!

欢迎致电 MaxMove Removals Mob: 0415 786 126 Tel: 9772 3103

预订时提示从悉尼看到广告的客户,将会免费获赠两个mattress shrink wrap cover. 本公司由于业务繁忙,现诚聘MR驾照司机两位,需有搬家经验。另诚聘P/T搬运工人两位,年龄25-40,薪优。

MaxMove Removals

At MaxMove Removals, we pride ourselves on constantly providing our customers with the highest level of removals service at reasonable prices.

We cater for local, country and interstate moves, specialising in medium and large sized home relocations. With more than 10 years of experience in removal industry, our fully trained and highly customer-focused staff is ready to make your move as less stressful as possible.

Apart from our commitment to exceptional customer service, we only employ late model trucks with tailgate lift to achieve greater efficiency and safety during the move. Our trucks range from 10 tonne to 15 tonne, which are big enough to accommodate up to 6 bedrooms worth of furniture and household contents. Again, we are medium and large move experts.

We understand that a well planned and prepared move can help customers save a lot of time and money, so please take advantage of our free no obligation in-home inspection to get expert advice for your move.

Give us a go and you will be impressed with our professionalism, efficiency and carefulness.

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