Daihatsu $1200

查看数: 897 | 评论数: 3 | 收藏 1
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发布时间: 2013-1-24 11:31


本帖最后由 greatoca 于 2013-1-30 10:58 编辑 Daihatsu - V V G 927, 手波,白色,三门 有兴趣者请联系黄先生:0418 817 678


greatoca 发表于 2013-1-30 11:09:19
endy34 发表于 2013-1-24 15:53
Do you have AC and power steering??

i just find out that the car is no power steering and it's 1996 model. sorry about that.
greatoca 发表于 2013-1-25 11:40:43
endy34 发表于 2013-1-24 15:53
Do you have AC and power steering??

有空调, 2003年的车power steering应该有吧!你可以去试车,请联系黄先生:0418 817 678
endy34 发表于 2013-1-24 15:53:06
Do you have AC and power steering??
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