[other] ***We are recruiting a large numbers of tomato pickers in Bowen***

- This job is piecework job
- We work 12 people together in one machine
- We usually work 7~10 hours per day and 5~7 days in a week
- We sit down on the machine while working
- If u wanna have a day off you can tell me anytime. Then i can organize it for u

- We pay 44$ per bin.
- We pay wages every friday
- If u try to work hard you can make over 1000$ per week.

- 135$ per week including of wifi, kitchen tools, mattress, electric fee, fridge, laundry, table and basic household items
- Deposit is 270$ (We gonna pay back this deposit before u leave)
- Key deposit is 10$ ( we gonna pay back this deposit if u don't loose this key)
- Accommodations in bowen are almost new one, so you don't have to worry about house condition
- We have 2 weeks notice
- 2 people live in a room, 6 people live in a house

-If u don't have own car you can get our transit. This fee is 7$ per day.

- We offer 2nd,3rd visa, Pay slip, Pay summary, Tax, Super

Great places to visit on holiday
- Bowen has a lot of tourist attractions which are Airlie beach, Queens beach, Muray bay, Townsvile, White heaven beach, Hamilton island

If u have any questions please contact here anytime.

Ph. 0421 461 940
Kakao. Tyranttyler
Wechat. hororus1

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