位置: 布里斯本東區Westfield Carindale 尋找有剪髮經驗, 勤快, 準時, 誠實的設計師,並且有基本英文能力。 歡迎新手設計師加入快剪團隊,有快剪經驗者佳。 舒適的工作環境,採用高級設備,地段方便。 - 穩定收入+ 獎金 - 提供英文教學 並且提供工作經驗,簽證狀態等資訊。 標題請放Job@HC [Hiring] Full Time/ Part time Hairdressersx2 Location: Brisbane East Westfield Cairndale Looking for hardworking, punctual andhonest hair dressers with at least basic English ability to join our quick cutteam at Westfield Carindale. Best if you have quick cut experience. - Comfortable work space with convenientlocation - Stable income+ commission - Providing English lessons ifnecessary Pleaseprovide your visa detail and send your resume to [email protected] withthe title ‘Job@HC’.