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ANMAC 护士职业评估
ANMAC 澳大利亚的护理及助产学认可委员会评估简介
澳洲护理及助产学认可委员会 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)
ANMAC 澳大利亚护理及助产学认可委员会负责评估的职业 -
254111 助产士 Midwife
254411 执业护士 Nurse Practitioner
254412 注册护士(老年护理) Registered nurse (aged care)
254413 注册护士(儿童和家庭卫生) Registered nurse (child and family health)
254414 注册护士(社区卫生) Registered nurse (community health)
254415 注册护士(急救护理和急诊) Registered nurse (critical care and emergency)
254416 注册护士(残疾辅助) Registered nurse (development disability)
254417 注册护士(残疾和复原) Registered nurse (disability and rehabilitation)
254418 注册护士(医药) Registered nurse (medical)
254421 注册护士(医疗实践) Registered nurse (medical practice)
254422 注册护士(心理健康) Registered nurse (mental health)
254423 注册护士(手术) Registered nurse (perioperative)
254424 注册护士(外科) Registered nurse (surgical)
254499 其他注册护士 Registered nurse nec
ANMAC 澳大利亚护理及助产学认可委员会要求
澳大利亚大学近期毕业生,递交移民技术评估前,需要先申请澳大利亚注册 you cannot send in your Migration Skills
Assessment application to the ANMC for assessment until you have received your
Australian registration.
进行能力基础评估 Competency Criteria--All nurses and midwives (including direct entry
midwives) working in Australia must demonstrate the national competency
standards to be eligible for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board
of Australia (NMBA). Therefore, internationally trained nurses and midwives must
also be able to demonstrate these competency standards in order to be eligible
for migration to Australia.
* 在下列国家获得初步评估的护士Nurses who have completed recognized program and have gained
initial registration in the following countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, United
States of America, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands (HBO
* 或在欧盟成员国完成护士教育课程 Nurses who have completed a nursing education program in a
member state of the European Union which is consistent with the European Union
standard for the education of “nurses responsible for general care” (EU
directive 2005 / 36 / EC).
ANMAC 澳大利亚护理及助产学认可委员会评估材料清单
个人信息-Modified and Full Assessment
出生、护照、收养、结合、更名、单务契约、法定声明的公证件。Certified copies of; Birth certificate or Passport
Details sheet, Adoption certificate, Marriage certificate, Change of Name
certificate, Deed Poll or Statutory Declaration.
个人联系细节 Personal contact details– Modified and Full Assessment
需提供个人申请细节,即使使用了代理。These are your own details. Even if you are using an agent,
please put you own details here.
照片-Modified and Full Assessment
Please staple a certified photo of yourself to the box. The photo must be
certified by the same person that witnesses your signature on your application.
The statement must include the witnesses’ signature and the following statement:
I certify that this photo is a true likeness of the applicant. (This must appear
on the back of the photo)
代理联系细节 Agent’s contact details ‐ Modified and Full Assessment
You will need to complete this section if you wish to authorise another person
to act on your behalf. All correspondence will be directed to your agent
therefore if you nominate an agent, please direct all enquiries through them.
提名职业‐ Modified and Full Assessment
英语测试结果-Full Assessment only
护士或助产士资格要求-Full Assessment only
工作经验– Modified (where applicable) and Full Assessment
主要是职业证明信及工作陈述。Professional reference and Employment statement(s)
最早的注册证书的公证件– Modified and Full Assessment
当前注册的确认书– Modified and Full Assessment
新西兰执业许可证的公证件– Modified Assessment only
声明‐ Modified and Full Assessment
支付细节‐ Modified and Full Assessment
健康证明– Full Assessment only
如果有犯罪记录或身体及心理欠缺诊断证明,则需要诚实的提供 evidence of previous criminal history and/or
physical or mental incapacity to work as a nurse or midwife
ANMAC 澳大利亚护理及助产学认可委员会处理周期
Processing times vary at the ANMAC and are dependent on a variety of factors. If
the assessment time is greater than 6 weeks it is generally advertised on the
ANMAC website.
ANMAC 澳大利亚护理及助产学认可委员会费用及付费方式
Full – Migration Skills Assessment: $825.00
Modified – Migration Skills Assessment: $300.00
补发“Letter of Determination” $35.00
在线支付可以通过信用卡电子转账 via Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard) through electronic
ANMAC 澳大利亚护理及助产学认可委员会联系方式
Address: Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council
GPO Box 400
Canberra City ACT 2601
Phone Number: + 61 2 6257 7960
Fax Number: + 61 2 6257 7955
Website: www.anmac.org.au |