WCH provides napies, pads etc not Ashford. The new mothers didn't know that, their husbands had to bring them to Ashford hospital. I won't choose Ashford :P
Yes but no free napies. We were surprised. We stayed there for 4 days for an operation, we were not impressed , in fact we were quite disappointed at their services (not the nurses).
楼主说的基本是对的,我是在FILINDERS生的,总的来讲,服务什么都很好,就是生的当天一个马来西亚的华人助产妇态度不好。刚生完还没出奶,她夜里当班,总让我给孩子试母乳。问题是孩子饿的要命,哭的不行,自己白天也试过,没有就是没有,奶头都很疼了。我跟她说没有,她还说:“YES YOU DO”。到了第二天白天,换其他人当班,我跟她们说了这个人自以为是强迫我在没奶的情况下喂奶,她们说:“NO YOU DONT. DONT WORRY. TAKE TIME.” 第二天白天,我朋友帮熬了猪蹄花生汤,很浓,她把汤冷却后,去油,下午老公带给我喝,晚上就有奶了。孩子一夜没哭,睡到天亮。。。。第三天我就要求出院,回家可以熬汤催奶。在医院吃医院的,哪有自己家里做的适口呢。