Platinum Accounting恭喜墨尔本的Isuru 在会计事务所找到工作


1.      曾经有过公司会计的工作经验,一直希望能找到一份会计事务所的工作
2.      通过白金会计终于实现了自己的工作梦想

白金总结:Isuru通过白金会计系统培训和获取会计事务所的实习经验后终于成功转变角色,之前一直在公司从事会计工作,但是他的梦想工作环境是会计事务所,但苦于没有具体的会计事务所经验,一直没有找到相关工作。 所以他决定参加白金会计的实习项目,就在实习结束之际他就获得了会计事务所的面试机会并成功锁定职位。
Dear Everyone,

Busy job huntingseason in the Public Practice Sector now!
Please join us incongratulating our intern Isuru's Tax Accountant Position in a local AccountingFirm. Before Isuru joined our Level 1 program, he had some commercialexperience. But Public Practice was always his dream area.
And right now, underour systematic training & internship program, Isuru utilised our programproperly and finally secured his dream position. Please be aware, hisinternship quality is really high. Therefore, his high level of performance, accuracy and attention-to-detail were his key advantages in securing thisjob.
If you areinterested in a Public Practice Position, please feel free to contact us formore info.

Hi Yolanda and Jeff,
I would like to inform you I have securedan Accountant position with the accounting firm that I requested referencecheck last time. Platinum Accounting training program certainly helped me tobuild confidence my self.

I would like to thank Yolanda and Jeff forthe intensive training. Also really appreciate availability for the referencecheck and conducting a positive reference check.

Below are some questions relevant for myinterview,

·        Tell me about you.
·        What are the typical tasks you have done inthe last job?     
·        Can you do a BAS and Tax return?
·        How do you handle pressure?
·        Can you perform multi tasking?
·        Are you a team player?
·        How do you enjoy your leisure time

I wish all the success for the PlatinumAccounting for the future endeavors.

Kind Regards
Isuru ****

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