2017年1-4月 Part 1难题解析

华盟教育wendy最近又一波新题来袭,在part1有一些奇葩题目,让众多考生感觉无从下手,那么我们今天就几个难题给大家讲解一下。1. Robot 关于人工智能artificial intelligence是大家会比较头疼的一个话题,首先我们要了解一下robot的基本分类,比如Types of robotsindustrial robot 他们最大的功能在于 increases the efficiency 提高生产力 of our work  help people in assembly line生产线 in factory另外常见的是domestic or household家用的 robot 比如我们的扫地机器人  vacuum robot 主要功能在于great time- saving gadgethelp people with tedious and repetitive (乏味和重复的)workfrees people from some dangerous and harmful surrounding(有害的的环境)  radiation (辐射)  rescue survivorsentertainment 娱乐的medical  robots  interact with me like real person, keeping accompany with me
给一些sample answer ,让大家参考一下Are you interested robot?Absolutely, I’m a big fan of hi- tech stuff. I’ve watched many movies about artificial intelligence.  I wish I could have a robot. I do hope it’ll make my life much easier.
Do you want a robot at your home?I’ve always dreamed of having a personal robot. The most obvious perk is that it’s a great time- saving gadget for me. Because the robot can do all of tedious and repetitive (乏味和重复的)house chores.  Besides, it can interact with me like real person, keeping accompany with me.
Do you think robot is good for society?With no doubt, it’s beneficial for our society. it increases the efficiency of our work. For example, some robots are working pretty well in assembly line in factory. Besides, it frees people from some dangerous and harmful surrounding, like they may help us rescue survivors from earthquake.
2. Watch首先了解一下基本分类,比如electric watch电子表quartz watch石英表mechanical watch机械表smart watch智能手表

描述手表的一些表达stainless steel bracelet不锈钢表带dial表盘bracelet表带Liquid crystal display液晶显示屏
make phone calls打电话respond to messages 回复信息keep track of movement 追踪运动
convenient way to keep track with(了解) the time   keep me punctual(准时)won’t distract p分心people like mobile phoneattractive accessory 有吸引力的配饰  decoration 装饰
关于watch一些sample answer供大家参考
How often do you wear a watch?I get used to (习惯于)wearing a watch all the time. It’s most convenient way for me to keep track with(了解) the time. It’s helpful to keep me punctual(准时).
What’s your first watch like?I remember, I got my first watch at my 10th birthday. It’s a fancy Casio electronic watch. What I loved most was that there was a princess on the dial. And it had a pink bracelet. It looks so cool.
I’m dying to have an Iwatch. It’s a cool gadget, But it much more practical than ordinary watch. I mean, I can make phone calls and respond to messages. What impresses me most is that it keeps track of (追踪)my movement. So I’m encouraged to move a little more.
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