Tai chi class in sydney 悉尼太极拳培训小班

Chi Class Sydney 悉尼太极学习小班
Free Taichi class will start on DEC. 5th in 2009 at Ollie webb Reserve near Parramatta station or westfield, Parramatta of Sydney. The coach Wang will teach 24 Taichi boxing and Chen Taichi boxing while he also will tell the way to keep healthy and how to protect yourself. If you have interest or you want to learn some useful sports which will help you and be beneficial to your health, please contact with me by phone: 0412409901 or 96355079,
email:[email protected]or msn:[email protected],
address: Ollie webb Reserve near early street, Parramatta, Thanks and Looking forward to your coming…

you can get in touch with me any time if you want to learn Tai Chi

If you want to learn Chinese Taichi boxing and Chinese Martial Arts , you can find me to teach you in Ollie webb Reserve near paramatta station and Westfield or some place which is near by of Sydney... Please get in touch with me by phone: 0412409901 or 96355079 , email : [email protected]
and msn: [email protected]

Looking forward you to coming and learning Taichi or Chinese KungFu which is beneficial for your health…

Taichi Class will make you healthy and feel the whole body free & relaxed, If you want to enjoy yourself for the weekend , please be here . Trust me It won’t make you disappointed.

Taichi Class will teach you 24 , 42 and Chen Taichi step by step
The Fee: Big class (10 to 30people):
$30/class and you will finished 24 formed TaiChi after 10 classes

Small class (3 to 6 people): $50/class and you will finished 24 formed TaiChi after 8 classes

The advanced class will teach you 42 and Chen TaiChi……

Teacher Wang resume: Graduating from Shanghai University of Sport in China which is a very famous Sport University in China. He is the chief coach of Shanghai Taichi Class and has hundreds of students form many countries in China. Coach Wang have learned Taichi from Coach Gu and Coach Xu who are the famous Chen Taichi teacher and the champion of Taichi National Competition. He have learned Taichi boxing for more than ten years and has won the first in 2008 National Taichi Competition.
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