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2016 MBA 入学ESSAY指南 (芝加哥商学院)
今天要讲芝加哥Booth MBA 入学ESSAY啰。如同看到的问题和guideline一样,和其他MBA很不同的芝加哥MBA提出了很有特色的题目。他们提供了学校相关的照片,请申请者挑选其中一张照片并说明芝加哥Booth community 如何才是最符合申请者的学校。
2015-2016 ESSAY TOPIC & GUIDELINE2015-16 Essay:
Chicago Booth values individuality because of what we can learn from the diverse experiences and perspectives of others. This mutual respect creates an open-minded community that supports curiosity, inspires us to think more broadly, take risks, and challenge assumptions. At Booth, community is about collaborative thinking and tapping into each other’s different viewpoints to cultivate new ideas and realize breakthrough moments every day.
Using one of the photos provided, tell us how it resonates with your own viewpoint on why the Booth community is the right fit for you.
Essay Guidelines
? Choose the format that works for you. Feel free to submit a traditional essay, slide presentation, or any format that you feel best captures your response. Please use the format you are most comfortable with, the Admissions Committee has no preference.
? Determine your own length. There is no prescribed minimum or maximum length. We trust that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how to best allocate the space.
Technical Guidelines
? File Size: Maximum file size is 16 MB.
? Accepted Upload Formats: Acceptable formats are PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. We strongly recommend converting your piece to a PDF file prior to submitting.
? *** Restrictions: We will be viewing your submission electronically and in full color, but all submissions will be converted to PDF files, so animation, video, music, etc. will not translate over.
芝加哥 MBA 入学ESSAY指南很多学生向我们表达不知道该如何下笔,所以WORDVICE直接在这边提供一些方向给大家。首先在16个照片当中先挑选出跟自己似乎最相关的4~6张照片,之后在各照片下方简单的写下这张照片跟自己有何关联以及自己可以如何表现的内容。
再来最重要的是要掌握出每张照片个别表现出自己是什么人、有什么样的职涯目标以及芝加哥商学院能够提供什么环境或帮助给你。因此,第一你要先brainstorming及搜索资料。担任芝加哥Booth MBA Associate Dean的Ahlm先生说想要写出高效率的ESSAY的话,得先掌握并了解在芝加哥MBA的经验或课程。
如果申请者已经掌握好自己在芝加哥MBA中可以获得什么、可以对学校抱持什么期待或自己跟学校有什么关联性的话, 只要再挑选出的4~6张照片当中挑出最能表现自己的照片并撰写就可以了。
想再跟大家的额外提醒的是就像前几篇说明哈佛MBA 入学ESSAY一样, 虽然字数是没有限制但是一般推荐700~1,000单字,以简短的形式写出一篇ESSAY。另外,如果是以POWER POINT形式呈现的话,最好把内容调整在能让审查委员在5分钟内看完的分量。
最后,在写英文ESSAY时,因为英文不是母语的人再厉害还是会有不通顺或尴尬的地方,可能会在语言方面产生一些失误。wordvice编辑团队拥有多年MBA入学ESSAY润色经验,相信可以给申请留学的同学们一个最好的英文润色并成功拿到OFFER! |