本人Animal Rescue Queensland的foster carer,专门暂养流浪狗直到它们找到永久的家。但是1月底需要回国一个月,这两只狗狗跟我许久了还没有等到自己的主人。机构已经为两只狗狗找了可以代我暂养它们一个月的暂养家庭,等到我2月回来的时候再交由我继续foster到被领养为止。但是,一个月的时间说长不长说短不短啊!本来两只家伙就是流浪狗换个好多个暂养人了,也许心里一直自卑觉得被遗弃了一次又遗弃,刚接手的时候都是内向的性格,好不容易才完全闯开了心扉,我是很担心那短短的一个月会对它们心理再次造成创伤,所以要是想着可以在我1月底回国前找到永久主人就最好了,望大家多多留意身边适合它们的主人。
1. 第一只狗狗叫Holly,母,是大型 Bull Arab Mix,已绝育驱虫疫苗,30kg,2岁4个月,领养价格$185
机构网站对它的描述如下:Holly is a beautiful Bull Arab mix who absolutely adores humans. She is such a gentle and quite girl with good listening skills! She can be a little timid in new situations. She also has top class manners, basic obedience and is toilet trained! Holly is great with children and dogs, both big and small. She would suit another dog for company so she can run and play! She is not too fond of cats though. Holly would love secure fencing as well as that one special family.
作为foster mommy我的补充是:Holly是一只绝对忠诚的狗狗呢,溜它的时候几乎就可以不用牵狗绳也会乖乖跟着你走,不爱叫,也从不搞破坏,晚上大家作息的时候一声也不会吭,白天偶尔有人经过你家才会嘀咕两下。非常聪明,动作都是教几次就会了,目前会wait,给手,趴下和坐下;能和所有对它友善的狗相处,不过玩的话prefer体型比它小的狗。不过Holly相对别的狗是一只比较安静的狗狗,需要你有耐心去陪伴它,它就会玩得很疯了。有一次Holly在我去上班不久溜了出去,后来我男朋友是在我上班的地方附近找到了它,才明白Holly溜出去是想跟着我;你在家无论哪里Holly希望睡在离你最近的地方,不让进房间就睡在房间门口。如果我是PR,我就一定领养了它。
2. 第二只狗狗叫Rasta,母,是中型Kelpie Mix,已绝育驱虫疫苗,18kg,1岁3个月,领养价格$285
官网对Rasta描述如下:Rasta loves to run and play; she is energetic and adores chasing around with her toys. She would suit another dog for company so she can run and play! She is a bit shy at first, but once she gets to know you she will be your new best friend. She is great with other dogs (including small dogs), cats and children. Rasta loves to be around you wherever you are and really enjoys cuddles. So if this pretty girl sounds like the perfect match for you, then what are you waiting for? We look forward to hearing from you so this gorgeous girl can go to a home she much deserves!
作为foster mum的补充:如果你喜欢一只活泼而又不太疯癫的狗,那就是Rasta了,它有无限无限的精力,而且非常非常的友好,就算被大狗打估计也不会发脾气那种。服从度超过100%!!叫它来永远都不会迟疑,你一摸就马上不动让你一直摸摸摸,甚至翻过身让你尽情摸。之前它的暂养人从小就没有对Rasta进行训练,所以Rasta会做的动作不多,而且溜它的时候也会有点小激动(但是体型不大好控制),目前只会sit。但是Rasta很会看主人心情哦,感觉你不喜欢它做的事情你骂它几次它以后就不敢再做了。我个人觉得Holly跟Rasta是最好的搭配了,因为Holly是有点小安静的狗,而Rasta是有无限精力的狗,而且Rasta可以不要脸不怕被拒绝地拼命挑逗Holly跟它玩,Holly最后也会没有抵挡住诱惑和Rasta玩,所以和Rasta在一起的狗和人都会特别快乐。
想要来看狗狗或者问问题的都可以和我联系 [email protected]
直接想要申请领养狗狗的请联系 [email protected]