
I will identify and analyze the attitude to euthanasia in different regions through the questionnaire. Therefore, thank you for your cooperation to answer the questions listed below.
*Euthanasia means mercy killing, killing person painlessly.
1.  Gender         Male[  ]        Female[  ]
2.        What is your age range?
17-25[  ]      26-35[  ]     36-45[  ]    46--- [  ]
3.        What is your nationality?

4.        Do you think government should legalize euthanasia?
        Yes[  ]                 No[  ]
5.        What are the benefits of euthanasia? (Circle one)
A it can remove the pain of patient.
B to other people, the medicine can be efficiently used
C all of the above
D Other (please explain)
6.        Why many people oppose euthanasia?
A it is against the moral.
B the government does not allow.
C people hope they will recover
D other (please explain)
7.        If your family members were terminally ill and in pain, they choose to die. Do you approve of their choice?         Yes[  ]               No[  ]           Don’t know[  ]
8.        If your friends were terminally ill and in pain, they choose to die. Do you approve of their choice?
Yes[  ]               No[  ]           Don’t know[  ]
9.        If you were terminally ill and in pain would you choose to die?
Yes[  ]               No[  ]           Don’t know[  ]
10.        To what extend do you support euthanasia? (please circle one)
Don’t support                         completely support
1          2           3          4        5
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