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A: funds must be held for 28 days. There's no requirement under the new Point Based System to show the source of funds. 资金必须存满28天,在新的记点积分制系统下对于资金来源没有任何要求。
2. 实行了新的学生签证系统后,家里的存款是否需要转存学生的名下么?
A: yes, funds must be in the student's name. 资金必须要存在学生名下
3. 新政策4月1日开始执行后,可以接受留学贷款作为资金担保吗?
A: Yes a loan can be used but you must provide relevant documents, to show that funds are available for the purpose of study. 留学贷款可以作为资金担保,但必须提供相关文件证明贷款是作为留学贷款的。
4. 在英国续签是否资金来源要求更简单,比如只要三个月的银行对帐单,要有多少资金余额?
A: under the new system you can extend your visa in the UK within 4 months of the end of your course. The new maintenance requirement is less for extensions but it's the same in China or in the UK.在新的签证体系下您可以在您学期结束前的4个月内续签,但是对于资金来源的要求与在国内申请一样。
5. 父母存款是否要转到本人名下?转的话,要证明关系吗?要追溯之前6个月历史记录吗? 还是只要28天就可以了?
A: nope you don't need to prove relationships with your parents, as long as the fund is in your name. Funds only need to be held for 28 days. Docs must be dated within a month prior to the application. 如果资金在您名下,那您就不需要提供您与您父母关系的证明。资金只需要有28天的存款记录,相关文件必须追溯到提交申请前一个月
6. 在英国续签要等待多少天?
A: this could vary. Please make sure you apply in good time.续签时间需要根据具体情况,请确保您在恰当时间提交申请
7. 英国目前可以接受存款和贷款,但均为申请着名下的存款或者贷款。但中国的学生很多存款不在学生名下而在学生父母名下,这样的存款可以用吗?
A: nope you must transfer the funds into your own account if you apply for a student visa如果您申请学生签证,请把资金转到您自己名下的帐户
8. 我们将可以提前多少时间申请签证?
A: no more than 3 months in advance最多只能提前3个月申请签证
9. 我已经工作几年了,我有自己的存款,请问我的“收入证明”是要单位开据的证明还是纳税凭证?
A: Just the funds will be fine.
And Guidelines on financial documents:
a) (preferred) a bank book, but recommend that they also either submit a certificate of creditworthiness or certificate of deposit for the sake of verification
b) a fixed term deposit showing how long it has been held and that it is immediately accessible
c) a letter from the bank confirming the required details
d) evidence of a loan
e) evidence of official sponsorship
a) (最好是)存折,但建议同时递交可作证明的银行存款证明或信用证明
b) 定期存款,显示存期并可立即使用
c) 银行出具的信函确认所需的细节
d) 贷款证明
e) 官方的奖学金证明
10. could you please explain about the "post -16" for "adult students'? is it reffer to age of education period?
A: if you're 16 or 17, you should discuss the uk school you want to apply for which type of visa is better for you如果您是16、17岁左右,您应该跟学校讨论您适合申请哪种签证。
11. 哪些金融机构的存款是可以被接受的呢?有对资金历史的要求吗?需要将存款冻结吗?以父母的名字做的贷款可以用吗?哪些银行的贷款是可以接受的呢?贷款的金额需要冻结吗?如果要冻结需要冻结多久呢?贷款期限怎么计算?
A: nope the loan must be in the applicant's name. We don't recommend individual banks. We don't need frozen funds. No requirement over the duration of your loan as long as the money's available for your study in the UK请注意留学贷款必须在申请者名下。我们并不推荐私有银行,也不会冻结资金。只要贷款的资金在您留英期间可以使用,我们对于贷款期限并没有任何要求。
12. if i have paid all my tuition fee and accommodation fee of the first year into the school's account, then is it means that i only need to provide evidence of living cost deducting paid accommodation fee?
A: you must provide an official receipt from a college, and evidence of the remaining funds您只需要提供学院开具的官方收据以及剩余资金的证明
13. 在英国续签,个人帐户上要有多少资金余额,是否与国内签证要求的一样?
A: as long as you apply within 4 months with the end of your course, the maintenance fund is less than the original fund required
14. then is it mean that you only need the income certificate issued by the employer without any other supporting documents for the income, including individual tax receipts, salary bank statement,
A: you must provide a bank book showing the correct level of funds. You do not need documents relating to income, tax, or salary您需要提供银行存折证明您有足够的资金,但是并不需要提供相关收入、缴税和工资证明。
15. 如果我根据一个conditional offer 已经办完一个短期语言班的签证,又在离开前获得unconditional offer(LLM),可否在国内改签成一年的签证?
A: you can apply again in China. Please provide an explanation why you apply again您可以在国内重新申请,请在二次申请时提供之前完成语言课程的说明。
16. As a student, I haven't any form of income, so all the guarantee funds are from my parents. Then do you need my parents to provide evidences of their income?
A: we need funds in your own name. if the funds are in your parents' account, you need to transfer them to your own account我们需要您名下帐户的资金,如果资金是在您父母名下,您需要把资金转到您的个人帐户下面
17. 短期的签证是不可以申请陪读签证的对么?
A: if you're going to the UK for less than 6 months, you cannot apply for a dependant visa如果您要到英国短于6个月,您不能申请陪读签证
18. 我原先的录取通知书因为申述导致过期了 现在变成这所原来签证申请的学校关闭了 请问另外的一所学校又录取我 我可以拿这个新学校的通知书去签证吗?
A: if you've got a new offer letter, you don't need to reapply, but you MUST contact the visa application centre如果您收到一个新的录取通知书,您不需要重新申请但是要知会签证申请中心
19. As child students, the funds are deposited under my parents’ name, then do my parents need to provide related evidences for funds?
A: for child student, it's okay to be under the parents' name对于青年学生,资金允许存在父母名下的帐户
20. Could I understand that all the documents needed for student visa are as following: visa letter, 28 days funds meeting your requirement, passport, completed application forms and photos? Is there any other documents needed for my application?
A: you must also submit all the documents that you send to school to secure your offer. If you're under 18, you must also supply a letter from your parents showing they approve of your application and domestic arrangements in the UK您必须提供所有学校要求的文件来确保您的录取通知书。如果您小于18岁,您还需要提供一封父母的确认信证明他们同意您的申请以及在英国的安排。
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