
前 些 天  翻 出 以 前 的 文 件, 看 到 这 个 签 证 办 理 须 知,  可 能 对 大 家  有 用, 转 贴 于 此.
Application Procedures for a Student Visa to Hong Kong
1.General Information
(i)All non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa.
(ii)The Hong Kong Immigration Department only issues student visas to applica6t-s enrolling in a FULL-TIME course in the University.
(iii)All applicants for a student visa are required to have a local sponsor.
(iv)Any Hong Kong citizen, aged over 21 and knows the applicant may act as sponsor. Please note that staff of the University should not be nominated as a sponsor unless they have given their agreement in advance.
(v)A prospective HKU student who has difficulty in nominating a sponsor may apply to the Office of Student Affairs to act in this capacity. Should this be the case, the student must submit to our off Ice at the time of the request, a completed application for sponsorship of a student visa* with all required documents and payment.
(vi)At least 2 months should be allowed for visa processing.
(vii)It is the responsibility of individual student to make appropriate visa appropriate visa arrangement before they come to Hong Kong
* Obtainable from Office of Student Affairs
2.Visa Application Procedures
(1) Nationals other than P.RC and Taiwan
·Nominate a local sponsor for your visa application and enter his/her details in the appropriate section of the visa application form.
·Submit visa application to the Chinese Consulate in your country of residence. (Please contact the Office of Student Affairs should you have difficulties in submitting your application to the Chinese Consulate)
·Upon receipt of your visa application from the Chinese Consulate, the Hong Kong Immigration Department will seek reference from the local sponsor.
·Results of the visa application will be sent back to the Chinese Consulate which will then contact the applicant for the collection of the visa stamp if the application is successful.
        (2) PRC nationals
·Liaise with your local working unit/institution for endorsement of your visa application.  (Only applicants on official nonxination [] can apply to come to HKSAR for the purpose of education.)
·Nominate your visa sponsor.
·Contact Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office in Beijing (国 务 院 港 澳 办, HKMAO) for the submission of your student visa application.
·Should the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office consider the application as official nomination, the HKMAO will send application with support of nomination to the Hong Kong Immigration Department directly. The Hong Kong Immigration               Department will then seek reference from the local sponsor. When the application is approved, results will be sent back to HKMAO which will contact the applicants directly for the issue of the student visa and Chinese Travel Permit (通 行 证).
(3) Taiwan nationals
·Nominate your local sponsor.
·Submit application to authorized airlines in Taiwan.

For further enquiries, please contact :
·Office of Student Affairs
  The University of Hong Kong
  Pokfulam Road Hong Kong
  Tel: (852) 2859 2305
  Fax: (852) 2546 0184
  Email: [email protected]

Hong Kong Immigration Department
Tower II
7 Gloucester Road Wanchai
Hong Kong
Telephone Enquiries Hotline: (852) 2824 6111
Fax Enquiries: (852) 2877 7711
Email: [email protected]

Information on visa procedures can be updated any time without prior notice.
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