5. Termination of Employment
You will be on three month probation. During probation, the company has the right to terminate your services if we find
that you are not suitable for the job by giving you two weeks notice.
Upon confirmation, your service with the company may be terminated by either party giving to the other, two(2) month's
notice in writing or paryment of salary in-lieu thereof. No clearance of leave will be allowed during notice period.
In the event that the staff works less than one year in our Company, she will have to pay the Comany a total sum if
$9,000 as compensation for the effort and time spent to train the staff.
Staff works for 5 months: $9,000- (S$750x5) = $5,250
Staff works for 10 months: $9,000- (S$750x10) = $1,500
当初我太太签时,问了条件,她以为是试用期满后才陪偿(after confirmation)。
现在的情况是她两个月拿了共$3600,却要陪$7500. 不是After confirmation之后。
1.新加坡有什么明确法律条款,讲不合理(unreasonable terms)的条款无效,不用赔偿?
2. 有一个Unfair Contract Terms Act, 这个法律适用于雇用合同吗?
3.之前免费咨询过Community Center的律师,他讲合同并不严格,不是专业的律师写的条款。特别是In the event that the staff works less than one year in our Company,这个并没有清楚表明是Confirmation 前,还是Confirmation后,有很大的争议。 |