位于静街的3房house出租,2间带空调,交通便利、環境寧靜, 房屋整洁干净,设备齐全优良。附近有中餐館, 亞洲雜貨舖, 錄影帶店 7-11便利商店 和pizza 店等. 步行100m至巴士站(CityExpress Bus 135, 120 & 119,598 & 599) 直達City,昆士兰大学、昆士兰科技大学。BUS 5分鐘走到Market Square、Sunnybank Plaza. Unlimitedinternet.
Address: Aylton St, Coopers Plains.
租金: 1. Queensize room with queen bed, air conditioning, $170 / PW for single or $220 per week for two people 3.Double size room with single bed or double bed, big wardrobe, $160/PW for single or $210 per week for two people 3.Spacious single size room with single room, Air conditioning, $150/PW for single
Address: Aylton St, CoopersPlains.