*** Masters 小编每日单词教学 ***
今天小编来介绍一下 " apply " 的常见字义及用法 :
1. 申请 ( apply + to 申请对象 + for 申请标的 )
Dan applied to the university for a scholarship to pay for his studies.
2. 应用 ; 涂抹 ( apply A to B )
Mr. Brown is eager to apply new methods to English teaching.
Apply the cream evenly to your face before you go to bed.
3. 努力; 致力 ( apply oneself to )
If you don't apply yourself to your studies, you will never get good grands.
apply 这个字很好用,也很多用法,不用小编提醒,它也是雅思的常客了 !