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| Thomas Kerrigan | Rating | Review posted on | | | |
Aug 10, 2016 Sorry it has taken me so long to write a review for PlatinumAccounting, but i have been so busy with work i haven't found time. IronicallyI am only busy with work because of Platinum Accounting. I arrived in Perthfrom the UK with 8 years public practice accounting experience over there. Ithought it would be simple to get a job here in Perth with my experience andqualifications - how wrong i was. Qualifications don't really count for muchhere because everybody else is qualified and, rightly or wrongly, experience ina foreign country is deemed irrelevant. This is the most important aspect. Ifyou want an accounting job in Australia AN EMPLOYER WILL NOT TAKE A SECOND LOOKAT YOUR CV IF IT DOES NOT CONTAIN AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE!! Trust me. 150+ failedapplications, 99% without so much as a reply - and absolutely 0 interviews.Before Platinum. The unique opportunity studying with Platinum offers you isinvaluable. A chance to put some legitimate experience working with Australianprogrammes, Australian payroll, tax returns, a solid Australian reference,coupled with CV writing assiatance and interview technique training etc was thecrucial turning point for my accountancy career here. Yes it costs, but myoutlay has more than be repaid and i've only been working for 3 months. Plus ican guarantee if i'd looked at the cost, decided it was too risky aninvestment, and carried on blindly doing what i was doing, then i would stillbe banging my head against the same brick wall receiving no replies let aloneany interviews. No experience - no job. Make it happen. And be warned, this isno walk in the park. Teresa is an excellent superior, clearly a talentedaccountant and she will not allow sub-standard practices to pass as ok. If youaren't in shape, she will knock you into shape. Who knows where i will end upnow in Perth. Now i have my foot in the accountancy door, the opportunitiesseem so vast and exciting. Wherever i end up though, i will always be indebtedto Platinum.
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