本帖最后由 ParkCo 于 2017-1-13 11:44 编辑
生活在布里斯班的华人小伙伴们请注意啦!博安和律所(Park & Co Lawyers)2017新年招募季正式开始。
由于律所的业务大量扩张,现将提供全职工作机会2位: 1, 行政人员:前台接待(Admin: Receptionist) 2, 律师助理(Paralegal) 地点:近Garden City
还在为你找不到合适的工作而发愁吗?还在为投出的简历无回音而锤头沮丧吗? 然而,你依旧还是那个充满自信、热情洋溢、脚踏实地并乐意认真工作的那个人吗???
现在你的机会来了!!! 请中英文流利的应征者加入我们!
现将Job Description公布如下:
Park& Co Lawyers strives to offer legal services encompassing various areas of laws including personal injury, immigration and Commercial. Our legal team focuses on the comprehensive advice on each unique client’s matter with expertise. Join a strong team where individuals have a mutual respect for each other and work together effectively. We have a full time available for a Paralegal / Legal Assistant to assist our Chinese team of Solicitors.
Key Responsibilities 1.Paralegal / Legal Assistant - Preparation of correspondence, legal documents and other relevant material - Assisting solicitors with the day-to-day operations of files / client management - Devising and implementing marketing plan and strategy to promote Chinese market - File management - General administration duties
2.Receptionist & Administration Support - Presenting a professional image of the company to everyone who has contact with the reception area - Preforming reception and general administrative duties and tasks in the most efficient manner - Giving strong focus to answering all incoming calls promptly and professionally - Assisting with preparation of accounting documentation - Data entry with attention to detail Required Skills: - Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Chinese - Strong organisation skills and attention to detail - Efficiency with the use of Outlook, Word and Excel - Ability to priorities tasks and manage deadlines - Confidence in client interaction - Willingness to engage and be actively involved in matters - Commitment to looking after clients 合法工资、待遇优良、绝佳办公地点。 博安和律所欢迎你加入这个充满爱的大家庭!我们期待你的发声!世界那么大,你应该来试试!
联系我们 电话:07 3345 6665 地址:Suite 3,Level 2, 96 Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Road, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD4122 官网:parklawyers.com.au 微信:pnclaw