下面是大题 希望可以找学过的人做
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CORPORATIONS LAW ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: “Companies are said to be an artificial legal person.” Your answer must include a discussion of thefollowing: • Discuss the legal basis of the statement • Explain the Salomon vA Salomon And Co Ltd [1897] AC22 case . How is this case incorporated in the CorporationsAct 2001 (Cth)? • The future of company law(e.g. do think this viewwill change?) • Whether you think changes are necessary in thecurrent law Word limit: 1500 Format: Essay or report
– BUSINESSLAWASSIGNMENT QUESTION:Mabo has been said to a cornerstone of theAustralian legal system. Your response must discuss the following:1. Discussion of the Mabo (No 2) case2. Explain the impacts of the case on theAustralian legal system3. Explain the shortfalls of the current legalsystem with regards to Native Title 4. Discuss the future of Native Title Word limit: 1500Format: Essay or report