急收以下3本saibt foundation2手書!!!

本帖最后由 matthewlam4 于 2009-10-27 18:57 编辑

1.Evans A,Martin K,and Poatsy MA(2009)Technology in Action,Introductory,6th edition,Prentice Hall.

2.Hawking P,McCarthy B and Nikakis C(2008)The 2007 Stable:An Inroduction to Microsoft 2007,Pearson Prentice Hall,Frenchs Forest Autsralia.

3.Willis,David 2006 "Introductory Accounting - the second revised edition" - McGraw-Hill,Sydney(with workbook)

有意出售以上4本書的可以E-mail到[email protected]或在此留言,留下價錢(要平)和聯絡方法!!
本帖最后由 matthewlam4 于 2009-10-27 18:58 编辑

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