本帖最后由 Local_Guy 于 2011-5-9 23:10 编辑
We have employed many young chinese students and graduates over the last year. Some have done a few days of translation work for us, (been paid well and are still good friends with all of us) Some have come for a few days work, that turned into a few months of work. It's never easy to predict how things will turn out. We are looking for talented, creative people at the moment, who are good-hearted and open-minded. (particularly interested in finding a girl who can sing well in chinese in a modern style, also people like journalists, or actors) In the west there is a saying: "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" ... Please don't be cynical, (愤世嫉俗) ~ It seems that actually we are all 'cut from the same cloth', (i.e. 机会是留给有准备的人) ...even though sometimes, some people see only our differences :)
电邮请传给“鬼佬”,[email protected], 一个和一堆中国人在工作着的老外。