Sell GU Textbook

GU 课本:
1005IBA, International business, $60
Czinkota, Ronkainen, Moffett, Ang, Shanker, Ahmad and Lok, Fundamentals of International Business
Edition: 1st Asia-Pacific Edition (2009), John Wiley & Sons (Australia)

1009IBA, Intercultural Communication for the Global Workplace, $20
Bretag, T., Crossman, J., and S. Bordia, 2009 Communication Skills, North Ryde: McGraw-Hill Australia.

2002IBA, Microeconomics of Business Strategy, $70
Pindyck, R.S. and Rubinfeld, D.L. (2009), Microeconomics, 7th edition, Pearson Education

2101AFE, International Accounting, $50
Doupnik, T. and Perera, H., International Accounting (2nd edition)

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