emergency! help!

hi all. one of my friends met with a problem as follows:
"递交pva的地址是offshore processing centre Department of Immigration and Multinatural and Indigeniour Affairs GPO Box 1393 Adelaide SA 5001 Australia 可我却把东西寄到了DIMIA PO Box25 Belconnen, Act Australia 2617 这个地址也是在大使馆网站上查到的!当时汇签证申请费的时候就是用的这个地址,汇完钱的第二天我就寄材料了"
'cause i'm in melbourne now and i will try to contact the place where she sent her materials. but i'd like to hear your suggestions as well. what should we do? if she have to prepare materials again, how can she get the ORIGINAL IELTS and the new OFFER? thanks a lot!
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