
2001, 4.28 北京fn
2001, 5 status 10
2002, 4 雅思5、5 status 10
2002, 12 补材料 include contract notaries, project example, fund notaries...
2002, 12 change status from 10 to 5
2003, 1 change status from 5 to 8
2003, 2 change status from 8 to 5
2003, 2, 26 change status from 5 to 12
2003, 3,28 免面试,late3003 status 12
2003, 9, 13 received the ME letter (9月3日签发的),网上查询,状态为12。
2003, 10, 13 did the ME. status 12
2003, 10, 19 Summit the 0008 form and schedule 1 form by normal mail
2003, 10, 24, change status from 12 to 7,
2003, 11, 7, change status from 7 to 12,
2003, 11, 13, change status from 12 to 3.
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