大家好,我是新来的菜鸟,我有些问题想请教大家 ^_^,一下呢就是我copy了university of alberta 的学费的信息,有些疑问,请教大家了 ,m(_)(_)m,
International students admitted to the University on or after September 2001 have a fee index value of $172.74 for 2002/2003:
Half-course, weight * 3, fi = 6 credit $172.74 x 6 =$1,036.44
Half-course, weight * 3, fi = 6 audit $172.74 x 6 x 1/2 =$518.22
Full-course, weight * 6, fi = 12 credit $172.74 x 12 =$2,072.88
Full-course, weight * 6, fi = 12 audit $172.74 x 12 x 1/2 =$1,036.44
(* = units of course weight)
In Arts and Sciences a typical course load per term is * 15 (fi = 30) which would equal $5,182.20. For the full year the course load would be * 30 (fi = 60) which would make tuition $10,364.40.
For Engineering a typical course load per term is * 16 (fi = 32) which would equal $5,527.68. The full year course load would be * 32 (fi = 64) which would make tuition $11,055.36 for the year.
half course 是不是part time student 的意思?
fee index又是什么意思?
credit $172.74 x 6(为什么要 x 6?)
最下面的Arts and Sciences fi=30是怎么定义出来的?
m(_)(_)m ,大家看得出来这是什么意思吗???哈哈 |