David zhou,--letter of reference

David Zhou,
有关Appendix C 中Letter of Reference 的几个问题,请帮忙回答
1.        * Detailed description of current job duties and responsibilities and letter of reference from all previous employers stating job duties and /or employment contracts 这句话的意思是不是说: 如果有以前的雇佣合同就可以不要Letter of Reference了?--因为我在SINGAPORE 工作过一年半,但现在难以弄到Letter of Reference,但我手头有以前的employment contracts,请问DAVID 我的理解是否正确?
另有一句有关letter of reference 的话:
The Embassy recognizes that documents marked with “*” may be difficult for some applicants to obtain .In lieu of a letter from your employer ,write a detailed description of your job duties and responsibilities------这句话的意思是不是说有详细的工作职责的说明文件也可以代替letter of reference?
2.        在Appendix C 的 Reminder 中要求提供
a.        personal worth statement and business Application summary  forms
b.        Documents to support qualifications sourse of funds and personal worth  
3.        办理国外的无犯罪记录需要加拿大的PROOF,可是我还未递交申请,能否/怎样先得到这个PROOF 给SINGAPORE 警察局?
I am looking forward to receive from you soon, thans a lot!
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