位于CoopersPlains,砖房一室一厅含卫浴和洗手间, 安静 整洁 方便。5分钟步行到购物中心,餐厅与车站 (可通往City, Garden City, 大学等)。15分钟步行到Griffith University. 驾车方便上高速。 房租每周 $230.宽频上网及家具。欢迎整洁安静不吸烟人士. 有意者请联系:Peter 0423430086 或 0430289486
CoopersPlains, granny flat, quiet and convenient location. 5minutes walk to restaurant, convenient store and bus stop (to Sunnybank, GardenCity, city and most other popular places). 15 minutes to Griffith University byfoot. Also close to highway to city. Rent:$230/week . Rentincludes broadband connection and fully furnished. Welcometidy and quiet people.