5 mths old Pullets Buff Sussex and Light Sussex from $20up. Nice big birds.
Huge Buff Sussex and Light Sussex young hens for sale. Large type will make great pets and egg layers. These hens have started to lay. $30 each Or 2 for $50 Or 3 for $60 or 6 for $100. they look better in real life!!! Only got 20 chickens available!!
每日下大蛋大母雞一隻$25,$60三隻$100 6隻。有廿隻,售完即止!
Organic free range egg
a) small $3.00 per dozen有機啡蛋1打裝
b) medium $4.00 per dozen有機啡蛋(加大碼) - 1打裝
c) large $5.00 per dozen有機啡蛋(珍寶) -1打裝
Pick up or order $30 more can deliver (condition apply)