[布里斯班] Burisbane City 日式餐厅 --急招厨房帮工

      Basic speaking English (基本英语会话)
      Japanese restaurant experience(有日餐馆工作经验优先)
      Available for working immediately and could work for longer(能立即开始工作,希望能长期稳定工作优先)
      Reliable, Hard-working; and always looks for work to do(诚实可信,工作努力,主动积极工作)
      Works fast, independently and effectively, could handlespressure well(工作快捷、独立、高效,能适应压力下工作优先)
We can provide: (可提供)
      Staff meal (员工工作餐)
      Reasonable salary (合理薪资)
      Comfortable working environment, modern restaurant style withplenty of spaces (工作环境舒适优雅,现代装饰风格餐厅,空间充足)
      Located in city main street, convenient transportation (位于City 主要大街,交通方便)
Working Hour:(工作时间)
6 days a week, from11:00am---9:00pm (每周6天,11--9点)
Contact us:(联系方式)
Tel:   0426-688-408

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