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标题: 神秘的Written Discourse究竟是什么?附赠独家写作模板! [打印本页]

作者: yongjia25    时间: 2017-6-19 17:18
标题: 神秘的Written Discourse究竟是什么?附赠独家写作模板!
Written Discourse 是整张PTE成绩单上最神秘的一个分数,它在一定程度上影响了我们的写作成绩。坊间传闻都说PTE写作容易,套套模板,适当用一下套句,分数就刷刷的上去。然而当看到周围的队友拿着满满的90分,而自己的Written Discourse只有40左右,我们不由得怀疑:自己是不是拿到了假的模板?还别说,真有这可能。
PTE的模板套句各有各的风格,其中的讲究其实不少。如何鉴定自己的模板是否合理呢?今天我们来全方面***PTE的Written Discourse。
1 技术分析篇PTE官方对于Written Discourse的描述比较含糊。根据Score Guide来看, 只有Essay本身会受到Written Discourse的影响。而其他题型,比如SWT,SST,FIB等等,与 Written Discourse是完全无关的。
Written discourseCorrect and communicatively efficient production of written language at the textual level. Written discourse skills are represented in the structure of a written text, its internal coherence, logical development and the range of linguistic resources used to express meaning precisely看完了这段描述,估计各位看官就更加晕乎了。那么具体Written Discourse有几分,是由哪些因素决定的呢?
答案是:一篇Essay对应的Written Discourse 一共是4分。

(Source: PTE Score Guide)
Written Discourse的分数由以下两个因素决定:1. Development, Structure & Coherence 段落结构逻辑2. General Linguistic Range 常用词汇使用范围这里先给大家放一篇官方公布的范文,然后对于各个考点,我们来逐一击破。

Development, structure and coherence:2 Shows good development and logical structure1 Is incidentally less well structured, and some elements or paragraphs are poorly linked0 Lacks coherence and mainly consists of lists or loose elements
整理成简单易懂的语言,PTE对于广大考生的写作要求有2条:1. 需要分段高分的Essay结构是:Introduction + Body 1 + Body 2 (+ Body 3) + Conclusion需要给出4-5个段落。那么,PTE如何鉴定我们的分段是否成功呢?其实很简单,一个段落结束之后,需要换行。新的段落需要由一个合理的连接词引导。做到这两条,基本也就成功了。
2. 需要大量使用连接词
PTE对于连接词有一种谜一样的执着,简而言之就是,在段落与段落之间需要使用连接词:Nevertheless, In addition, On the other hand, etc.在句子与句子之间需要使用连接词:As a result, Also, They, This(是的,指代词也算连接), etc.在句子的内部也需要使用连接词:and, but, because, if, then, whether, etc.(总之:老板,给我一碗拉面,再多加点连接词!)范文中的连接词语使用的非常频繁,我们可以直观地看出被Highlight的部分都是连接词的使用:

最后说一下关于逻辑的问题。众所周知,PTE是机考。从算法上来说,只能分析逻辑词语的语法使用正确与否,但是基本无法判断逻辑本身是否正确。除非被On Hold人为抽查,一般不用太过于纠结细节的意思。有的考生会在考试的时候花大量时间思考观点本身是否合理,结果时间吃紧,而且写出来的分数都不怎么理想。
2 实用模板篇总结起来,Written Discourse一共是4条:1. 合理分段2. 多用连接词3. 表述观点4. 多用修饰词
在这里给大家一份AIL独家提供的写作模板开头段 IntroductionIn contemporary society, it is often argued that (Topic) is largely responsible for the issue of (Background). In my opinion, it is more convincible that (Main Opinion), despite the fact that (Concession Point).主体段 Body ParagraphOn the one hand, it is often widely held that (View 1), due to the reason that (Reason 1). To illustrate, (Reason 1) is frequently defined as (Definition). For this reason, (View 1). For instance, according to some recent statistics established by (Organisation), over 80% of the population could be considered to be (View 1).On the other hand, I am also convinced that (View 2), since (Reason 2). In fact, if (Reason 2), then it is more likely to witness the impact of (Logic 2). For example, (Example 2). Therefore, (View 2).结尾段 ConclusionIn conclusion, I am more inclined to the view that (View 2), because (Reason 2), even though (Reason 1). 举例而言,如果题目的内容是:Nowadays many young people leave home at an early age to either study or work in another city. Do you think this has more advantages or disadvantages for young people? Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.我们可以采用这样的模板,做一个简单的造句游戏:In contemporary society, it is often argued that the pursuit of better career or educational opportunities is largely responsible for the issue of the early migration for younger generation. In my opinion, it is more convincible that such trend benefits the teenagers by enriching their life and experience, despite the fact that this relocation may results in loneliness and isolation.
3 关于PTE“玄学”所谓的玄学,是一些不可考证的东西,本身对PTE应该没有什么影响,更多的可能只是心理层面的一些安慰。这里也给大家一起分享解析一下:之前看了一个网上的帖子,说在PTE考试中Essay分段一定要打两个回车。
也有一些帖子会说,Written Discourse的核心就是把词句写的复杂,多来几个从句,来个插入语,来个伴随状语,就能体现你的写作功底。这种说法,相信在认真看完知识贴的读者眼中会不攻自破。从句就算加分,那也是加语法Grammar的分数,不是吗?何况PTE做的是错误统计,所谓言多必失,其实准确的简单句和复合句就足够了,从句也只是个点缀而已。老老实实写and/but/because/if也不失为一个好的选择。

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