Looking for talented people...

本帖最后由 Local_Guy 于 2011-5-9 23:10 编辑

We have employed many young chinese students and graduates over the last year. Some have done a few days of translation work for us, (been paid well and are still good friends with all of us) Some have come for a few days work, that turned into a few months of work. It's never easy to predict how things will turn out. We are looking for talented, creative people at the moment,  who are good-hearted and open-minded. (particularly interested in finding a girl who can sing well in chinese in a modern style, also people like journalists, or actors) In the west there is a saying: "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" ... Please don't be cynical, (愤世嫉俗) ~ It seems that actually we are all 'cut from the same cloth', (i.e. 机会是留给有准备的人) ...even though sometimes, some people see only our differences  :)

电邮请传给“鬼佬”,[email protected], 一个和一堆中国人在工作着的老外。

invitation.jpg (26.96 KB, 下载次数: 10)

Can you please attach a position Description of the Job with KPI's Core roles because no offence you havnt explained what this job is? Also mention what company you work for please state the ACN once you have delivered this information I will be very insterested in applying.
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回复 xyz123 的帖子

xyz123  放松...  
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回复 cherchen 的帖子

yes, sure... tell us about yourself. ~ No need even for formal Resume if your self-description is informative enough.
> In a sentence...We are not offering full or permanent part time conventional positions at
> the moment. But, we can and are providing short term contract work that is fun, cool
> and rewarding for the right kind of people. (creative, talented, confident) OK? ...thanks

"In a sentence...", WHAT IS THAT? As far as most can tell, it seems you don't know what you are doing yourself. Please don't be too clever here in adelaidebbs.com -- we have not job, but we have BRAINS.
i am not a student and i only free on weekend(only half day free on saturday) can i still apply for this ????
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In a sentence... We are not offering full or permanent part time conventional positions at the moment. But, we can and are providing short term contract work that is fun, cool and rewarding for the right kind of people. (creative, talented, confident) OK? ...thanks
不能理解工作性质,说的太含糊了,sing而已么?能不能像seek website一样写清楚什么要求,工资,要得人,这有点模模糊糊的,难怪了别人会猜一些坏的方面。
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