485TR 的checklist中写得很清楚的,中国和澳洲的无犯罪都是需要的
http://www.immi.gov.au/visas/stu ... ument-checklist.pdf
□ Evidence that everyone included in the visa application has applied for an Australian Federal Police
National Police Check if they are older than 16 years of age and have spent a total of 12 months or
more in Australia since turning 16 years of age.
□ Police certificates from each country in which anyone in your application has spent a total of 12
months or more in the past 10 years since turning 16 years of age. Provide the original certificates and
keep a copy for yourself.
你出生公证书上就有你亲生父母的名字啊。这和你户口本挂在哪里,你的户口和父母的户口是否在一起没任何关系的。户口信息和你485TR的申请也没有任何关系哦。 |