Hello,大家好, Sunnybank Plaza 要搞中秋节活动啦,大家有木有想卖什么东西啊?例如 二手衣服,二手鞋子,包包,或者其他小饰品~ 或者玩游戏送奖品~好像Ekka那样和顾客做游戏,赢了给奖品的那种,5块钱参加什么的, 反正赚钱的机会就在这里.赶紧来赚点钱吧~ 想订摊位的话,找我吧,0425411116~ Chinese Precinct General Chamber of Commerce – (07) 3847 8085 – [email protected] The Chinese Precinct General Chamber of Commerce isproud to present the 2012 Sunnybank First Moon Lantern Festival. 華人區中商會即將舉辦2012新利班中秋節慶祝活動 Date(日期):29th September, 2012 Time(時間):12pm – 8pm Location(地點) :Sunnybank Plaza Shopping Center- Huelin Street Entrance There will be over 70 stalls, entertainment, LanternParade and 5 hours of non- stop performance. It is suitable for children and adults. We are inviting local businessesto participate in this event. You can choose to setup your stall in the event.Things you can sell include food, art and craft, clothing, accessories andothers. The fee to participate is only $50. You will be allocated a 3mx3m space. Youwill need to bring your own marquee, table, chairs, water and everything elseyou need. We will not be able to provide water or electricity as it is in carpark. Setup time is 9am and closing timeis 8pm. Payments can be made payableto Multicultural Events or T/T the total amount to: Bank: Commonwealth Bank ofAustralia Account Name: MULTICULTURALEVENTS PTY LTD BSB No: 063 113 Account No: 1083 7453 If you are interested, please contact 0425411116 for K for furtherinformation. 屆時將會有70個攤位出租。租金是$50。您將會得到一個3mx3m的空間經營各式小生意。敬請自備帳幕,桌椅,水以及各種開鋪必需品。因為我們將不能為您提供水電。 期待您的參與! Name(姓名): ___________________________________________ BusinessName (企業名稱): ________________________________ Phone(電話): ____________________________________________ Email(電郵):_____________________________________________ ProductsOffering(售賣商品): _______________________________ 有兴趣的话,请联络0425411116找K |
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