LG学费全免去读MBA, 6月底才走的,我7月30日约了54号,先去试试运气。
又重新排队,保安让按队形进去签证大厅,我排的是一号队。8:35,3号窗口打开了,是那个黑发妇女,(菲律宾的?),四五十岁的样子,最近盛传的杀手。2号窗也打开了,那个老外,年约五六十岁,不知道他是who , 1号窗及4号窗一直没打开。听保安口吻,昨天也不是4个签证官都出来。我想了想,跟保安说:先生,我可以去排2号窗吗?他说:等等,等等。既然已打过招呼,我便溜到2号队后面了。老外先据了一对老夫妇去探亲的,因为用中文,英文,白话问他们说:你们是夫妻吗?他们都听不懂。签了一个后来我才知道的去UCLA读本科的GIRL。又据了一个去 商务签证的女的, 她在那里说:我想去看美国的,可能紧张吧,再也说不上来。据了一个BOY去读本科的,VO asked:after graduated, will you back to china? the boy asnwered: i will back and take care of my parents.结果给据了。在我之前,又放过了一个商务签证的,一个老师(老师强调说如他不回来,他老婆跟他同一学校的就会被解雇。)到我了。 我已决定了要greet the VOand the translater. 在我之前的都只greet VO,我觉得不好。
我上去了,把清单递过去,说:good morning, sir, good morning ,miss, nice to meet you. i am , apply for F2 to go to america to see my husband.
VO: HOW long have your husband been in USA?
Me: more than a month.
VO: A MONTH?(他的眉头皱了)
VO:dO YOU have to show that your husband has now in USA?
mE:听不清他讲什么,反正老公的VISA 复印件及I-94订在一起,我一起 塞了进去。
ME: BUT we have married for three years. before marriage, he is my boyfriend for nearly five years.
VO: Do you have children?
Me: No, we don't have.
Vo: Do you plan to study in USA?
Me: No, because i have no bachelor degree.(什么时候我的劣势竟变成优势了)
me: My husband have tuition waiver,in university,
VO: whAT? YOUR last sentence say again?
Me: Tuition Waiver?.
VO: 找I-20表,然后他跟翻译说,here, but why the tuition so high,and living expense so low.
ME: WE have enough finanical resource.
VO:do you have docutments to show you have enough ?
我说 :five-star hotel in shantou.
我说 了。
VO:HOW much you earn?
oME: about THIRTY to fourty a year.
VO: THIRTEEN fto fourteen? 他的眉头又皱了。
这时,我问候翻译起作用了,她说,是thirty to fourty.
VO 听了,撕了一张黄单给我。 我知道 我过了。
thank you thank you thank you so much ,have a nice day.
后来afternoon 领 证时才知,大部分过的都 是老外签的。
总结:DS-156157表极重要。现在领事馆门前已没得领 。只能在中信银行交钱时领 ,外面的咨询公司倒有卖 ,3张表10元! 复印一面1元!填 写时要下大功夫!
(去上班了,我会继续写的) |