OMG詠春榮幸受邀出席華聯會12月13日的開放日 我們請來了Adelaide州長及文化部長 歡迎圍觀
OMG南澳詠春研習班一宜致力弘揚中華武學 除了強調學員在技術上的提昇 更希望帶領學員從武學精神裡尋找到人生的價值觀 培養內外雙修的道德觀和對人對事的尊重
年齡: 歡迎6歲至12歲
成功完成課程的成員 會獲本會頒發證書
[email protected]
OMG的組成以Oscar, Max和Gary命名,希望集思廣益把詠春傳開去。OMG詠春研習班的前身為Gary於2012年成立的Flinders Wing Chun Club演變而成。必須強調的是我們研習班內的指導員都是熱愛詠春的朋友,把自己所會所懂的,無私地和大家分享。我們裡頭從來沒有「師傅」,各指導員都是 以指導身份自居。
OMG was established by Oscar, Max and Gary. We hope we can spread Wing Chun Martial Arts to every concer of the world. The fomer OMG was established by Gary in 2012, where the training took place in Flinders University. There is NO SiFu in OMG. We are named as instructors who wish to dedicate what we know of Wing Chun to everyone.
OMG的組成以Oscar, Max和Gary命名,希望集思廣益把詠春傳開去。OMG詠春研習班的前身為Gary於2012年成立的Flinders Wing Chun Club演變而成。必須強調的是我們研習班內的指導員都是熱愛詠春的朋友,把自己所會所懂的,無私地和大家分享。我們裡頭從來沒有「師傅」,各指導員都是 以指導身份自居。 OMG was established by Oscar, Max and Gary. We hope we can spread Wing Chun Martial Arts to every concer of the world. The fomer OMG was established by Gary in 2012, where the training took place in Flinders University. There is NO SiFu in OMG. We are named as instructors who wish to dedicate what we know of Wing Chun to everyone.
關於我們 Who are we? Oscar is our chief instructor from Hong Kong. He was trained under Sifu Cliff Au was trained by Master Wong Shun Leung, whose Wing Chun technique is prefectly fit in real fight situation.
Max是我們的高級指導員,習不同的武術,來自中國,熱愛武術的大師兄,更是對他自己很有要求,除了武學鍛鍊,大師兄更重視武德的修道。Max習於著名武學家:夏厚軍師傅[url=][/url],夏師傅是上海詠春會會長,除了對詠春有研究,更是八卦的嫡傳,同時也拜於葉準師傅門下。 Max, our senior instructor, is a martial arts mania. He has leart several kinds of martial arts. He also integrates those martial arts principals into his daily life, always showing highly respects to everyone. Maz was trained under Sifu Xia Houjun who is a founder of ShangHai Wing Chun.
Gary是OMG的會長,來自香港,本身為特教老師的他,希望能夠建立一個共同付出的知識圈,相互學習。Gary習於International Adelaide Wing Chun Academy (馮傳強師傅)也在回香港假期間習於香港著名詠春師傅:江志強師傅。江師傅的實戰性詠春得到廣泛的認同。曾經獲得許多國際媒體的報導Discovery Channel及香港TVB等。 Gary, chairman of OMG, is also a special needs teacher. He wishes to build up an ideal world where everyone conributes what they have leant and to share with others. He was trained at International Wing Chun Acedemy in Adelaide and he also had some sessions from Sifu Kong Chi Keung who is a very well-known Master of Wing Chun from Hong Kong