“抗议7.1移民新政策”行动 – 第一步!

“抗议7.1移民新政策”行动 – 第一步
Ombudsman (Commonwealth)是澳洲联邦政府的一个监督机构,它的职能就是受理对各个联邦政府机构的投诉。

We will give careful attention to your complaint about a Commonwealth Government department or agency, and if it raises a matter that we can and should investigate, we will do so as quickly as practicable, acting fairly, independently and impartially. We will indicate how long it may take to deal with your complaint, and provide the name of a contact person at our office. If the complaint is justified, we will suggest changes to fix the problem.
Before coming to the Ombudsman it is a good idea to try and solve the problem with the agency you want to complain about. As a general rule, the Ombudsman will not, and in some cases cannot, investigate complaints until they have been raised with the agency. Most agencies have internal complaint handling procedures that may be able to sort out the problem to your satisfaction. If you have not contacted the agency first, the Ombudsman may decide not to investigate until you have tried to resolve the problem with the agency itself.
-        Focus on resolving the main problem
-        Writing(email/mail) is more effective than phone
-        set out your complaint clearly and as briefly as possible. Stick to the main facts, and don’t go into excessive detail.
-        State what you want
-        Keep copies of all correspondence you receive and send, and any other important documents or notes.
-        Don’t give up

1 尽快通过email或mail向移民局提出投诉。
    - Focus: "新政策对7.1后提出申请移民的人生效,而不是象以前一样只对7.1后提出申请留学的人生效" 是不公平/不合情理的
    - 使用所在学校提供的email账号,不要使用随便什么人都可以申请的免费email账号,比如yahoo/msn等
2 如果一周(两周?)内没有受到回复,或收到不满意(不接受投诉)的回复,请把该回复转给"Ombudsman",正式向该机构提出投诉。
3 请大家努力去联络尽可能多的人(包括来自其他国家的同学),劝说他们一起采取行动(众人抬柴火焰高)
    - 在学校的newgroups上呼吁
    - 在学校的NoticeBoard上张贴
4 同时,尽量寻找其他可能的途径:比如学生会、华人组织、议员等

[email protected]

Parliament House
Philip Ruddock MP
Suite MF 40
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7860
Fax: (02) 6273 4144
Email can be submitted here:
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