Looking for talented people...

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The reason I did that was to point out that in both Chinese tradition and in Western tradition, we have exactly the same proverb. i.e. the western version is attributed to "Lucius Annaeus Seneca" a 1st Century Roman Philosopher. A very similar proverb  i.e. 机会是留给有准备的人 is from Ancient China, and I believe it is well known. - I find that kind of thing very interesting. - Sorry if anyone misunderstood my intention.
what kindda of work it is......

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I think we've found our "singing girl"... so that's covered. - But we are still interested to find young (and even not so young) chinese who are confident to talk into a video camera without being shy. (some people can do this, many can not). In english this charcter type is called an "extrovert"... (the opposite being an "introvert") I don't want to discuss too much about the role here. But it's nothing to do with anything sexy or dirty... its more like being a TV Journalist, or actor. We have some people we have yet to interview over the next week. If anyone is still interested, fee free to apply.
哈哈哈,看来楼主是制造争议制造混乱的高手。非要写那种模糊不清的mail吗?if u put yourself into others' shoes,你会发现人家有这样那样的猜想和疑问是很正常的,不用嘲笑不用惊讶,这很正常, 因为你的帖子太没有头绪了. 还有,楼主你真的是非常非常的话唠啊,啰嗦的可以。叫你的senior Chinese colleague告诉你什么叫话唠!
lovepotato 发表于 2011-5-12 12:37
哈哈哈,看来楼主是制造争议制造混乱的高手。非要写那种模糊不清的mail吗?if u put yourself into others' ...

this is an excellent response.

a decent job would not advertise in this way, a decent man would not talk like he has no idea what he is talking about.

particularly hating your comment on your visit to China in 1980s, do you really know the meaning of innocent, innocent is what you will do when China come to bomb you in the 21st century-begging help from US like a dog

话唠=‘big mouth’
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回复 有点活干 的帖子

well... you will make what you want of whatever someone says, obviously. - What I meant by China's 'innocence' in late 1980's was that I was very moved by the beauty and style of what was then a less commercialised China. - I have been back many times, during the 90's, then lived in Shanghai in 99/2000, and have been been back twice in the last 2 years. I have seen many changes...

You talk of China coming to Bomb us? ...Do you think that is a good thing? I think War is very regrettable wherever it occurs. (plus if you think I like the US and its policies you are mistaken, I am very critical of US foreign policy)

Some people have contacted us and engaged in productive and positive discussion about what they might be able to do with us, some others want to just criticise and judge. - This is a free country, so enjoy your right to say whatever you want, without fear of persecution.
是做爱的工作么?hehe `
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