Decision-ready Checklists
Brisbane Skilled Processing Centre has given the MIA the following advice:
The good news is that all Accountants with Competent English are now in priority group 3, as are all motor mechanics. For the team here it means that we have a lot of applications going back to July 2008 that we can now begin processing in priority group 3. We would like to extend the offer of decision ready processing, with signed checklists, for all those applications previously lodged that can now be processed.
Wayne Riddle, the new Assistant Director of GSM, Brisbane, is prepared to accept applications for decision ready processing where documents may have previously been emailed in, so long as any future documents are scanned and uploaded to e-visa, i.e. new health and character or other outstanding requirements.
The process will be the same i.e. once the application is decision ready, and it falls within priority group 2 or 3 above, send a signed Decision Ready Checklist to the Brisbane Agents mailbox and we will allocate the application within 48 hours of receipt of the checklist. I am attaching new decision ready checklists to this email for 487, 885 and 886 applications.
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