Eight mile plane …兩間單人房…一間雙人房,..一間主人房

Eight mile plane house 2 single 1 double and 1 master rooms for rent
Convenient transportation 1 minute to bus station ... 10 minutes to train station.…
Including electricity, water, internet (TPG unlimt download)
Bus number 150.156.157 to city and garden city and Griffth University.
Bus 155 to SUNNYBANK……
Contact number: 0402-929-585…or  
Line and  : dennis19820616
wechart  : dennis19820616
Address : 80 Warrigal rd runcorn…
Eight mile plane …兩間單人房…一間雙人房,..一間主人房
走路到公車站只需要一分鐘..火車站10分鐘….公車150.156.157可達city 和garden city..155可達sunnybank…
提供所有廚房用具..包水包電..網路wi-fi (TPG 無限下載).有意者..連絡電話:0402-929-585…Dennis…
Wechat:  dennis19820616
Line: dennis19820616
地址: 80 Warrigal Rd Runcorn…       
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