[布里斯班] CBD[五天咖啡] 4万因回国急售

A busy small coffee shop in Spring Hill is now for sale. Many offices are surrounded in this cafe so 85% is returned customer.

Because of family, the owner has to go overseas permanently. Compared with the market value, the owner therefore can give you a much lower price, which is ONLY $39,000.

For any more information, please contact 0430823102 or 0402300646

本店位于办公楼底,整条街仅此一家咖啡店,客户群体稳定,咖啡口碑极佳,小本生意投资零风险,不用半年绝对回本!欢迎拨打电话0402300646 or 0430823102.谢谢
good morning
Guan 0430823102
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