人在旅途,家在汉庭; 人在异国,家在汉苑
HAMPS GARDEN RESIDENCE INN 汉苑酒店式家居, 体验现代家庭酒店式居住的全新感受
*Junior Executive Residence in the safe and convenient Northeastern Suburb
*Enjoying comfortable bed & continental breakfast everyday,
*No worries about cleaning your room during your stay or upon checking out.
*Just rollingin your carry-on luggage and checking in your big check-in luggage cases
*Like a youngsavvy professional on a business trip.
*Flexibleterms on daily, weekly, or monthly basis available.
地理位置: 全新房间位于Hampstead Gardens近 Klemzig O-BahnInter Change
住宿设施: 室内格局实用合理, 安全,整洁,宁静,舒适,温馨. 可调控中央空调,全新冰箱,洗衣房,微波炉,TPG200G无线网络,有宽敞Off-Street Parking停车位。
交通出行: 交通便利,出门步行2分钟即到公交车站.
1)乘坐Bus 271/273可直达AdelaideUniversity 和City CBD,只需15-20分钟。
2)乘坐Bus 271/273可直达Tee Tree PlazaShopping Center 享受购物;
3)乘坐环线Bus 100/300, 可到达更多地点。
周边环境: 购物生活方便,附近步行5分钟可到Shopping Center 有Coles,The Reject Shop, Priceline 以及华人超市。 附近还有银行ATM机,Post Office,Library, Pizza 店,
Reservation Hotline in Australia
M 0425 13 1688
QQ 113 1700 536
Reservation Hotline in China
M 0138 1688 6112