本帖最后由 xiaozhouer 于 2012-7-30 21:34 编辑
DBIB TEXTBOOK SALE 1. International Economics (ECON 2009) TEXTBOOK: Krugman P.R. andObstfeld M 2010, International Economics; theory and policy, 9 edition, Addison Wesley Longman, New York.
2. International Commercial Law (COML 3005) TEXTBOOK: Mercurio, B.,Trakman, L, Lewis, Mk & Zeller, B 2010, International Business Law,Oxford University Press, South Melbourne
3. Competitive Strategy (BUSS 3046) TEXTBOOK: Bensanko D, Dranove D, Shanley M and Schaeffer S 2009,Economics of Strategy, 4th ed, John Wiley New York.
4. International Relations and World Politics (POLI 1010) TEXTBOOK: OLD edn.
CONTECT NO. 0411178141 |