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Credit Dynamic 作为金融信贷行业的新秀公司,致力于为广大外客户提供超高品质的贷款咨询服务。公司总部坐落于澳大利亚悉尼CBD顶级高档写字楼, 环境优雅,管理先进且在业内始终处于领先水平。基于先进的公司架构,专业的团队和强大的后台支持,Credit Dynamic成为全澳金融信贷行业的新星,并取得了骄人的业绩。
Credit Dynamic在不断提升业务服务水平的同时,也非常注重信贷咨询行业的职业发展和培训。现公司团队诚邀希望在改行业提升自己专业素养、渴望学以致用的社会各界人才加入我们的团队。Credit Dynamic愿意为你提供成长和实现自我价值的平台。
招聘职位:信贷顾问 (Full Time)
[ol]根据客户的个人情况,为客户挑选最适合的贷款机构和金融产品,熟悉主流银行的政策和产品评估客户的各种申请材料,包括收入信息,资产和负债情况,银行存根,信用记录,税务情况以及银行对账单等确保客户的申请符合相关银行和金融的法律法规跟客人解释关于贷款方面的法律问题, 以及还贷的方式和利息,让客人了解拖欠贷款的后果管理客户数据库在贷款机构和客户之间进行协调确保从申请到贷款下批期,全程为客户提供高品质服务按时出席公司例会和银行的各类培训协调贷款顺利下批,确保精确地处理客户所有的文件利用所有资源完成并超越销售目标拓展新市场,勇于不断寻求新客户和新商机
[ol]一年以上同领域工作经验者优先考虑相关从业资格证书及文凭者优先考虑优秀的中英文沟通能力高水平解决棘手问题的能力,以及解决争端的能力外向活泼的性格,积极向上,充满动力,激情,正能量优秀的电话沟通技巧,和过人的客户服务经验为佳良好的组织协调和适应能力, 个人能力突出, 并且注重团队合作爱岗敬业, 关注细节具备抗压能力和随机应变能力
有意者请发个人简历至邮箱,并注明申请职位“Lending Consultant”
E: [email protected]
Lending Consultant
The Company
As a rising star of finance brokerage firm, Credit Dynamic is devoted to provide professional consulting services on a range of residential and commercial mortgage loans for our customers. We make every effort to maintain a high standard of corporate governance within the mortgage industry. Located in Sydney CBD, the CD headquarter enjoys a superior location and friendly working environment.
In addition to sustain our high service quality and promote better practice, CD also emphasize on promoting professional development and training. Now as part of our profession promotion, we are inviting excellent talent to join our team. This role is a fantastic opportunity to be part of a team that is changing people’s lives through better job opportunities, as well as work in an organisation that values its employees and offers genuine career progression, as well as attractive commission incentives!
Position: Lending Consultant (Full time)
Job Description:
[ol]Work with various lenders to find the best deal for a homebuyer. Be familiar with major bank’s policy and products.Evaluate client’s all documents including income, asset and liability, credit history, and bank statements for financial status.Work to ensure compliance with banking and finance laws in the jurisdiction of the client.Explain the legal aspects of the loan to the client as well as the payment terms and clauses to them. And educate them on default consequences.Maintain client database.Act as an intermediary between a lender and a client who needs a mortgage loan.Follow through with lender and client from application to settlement period.Ensure the attendance for company weekly meeting and banks training. Coordinate the loan closings, ensuring the documents are properly prepared and executed.Meet and exceed sales targets via leads, existing networks and new introducer channels.Responsible for exploring and pursuing new markets for loan products.
[ol]Minimum 1 year mortgage broking experience is preferred.Certificate IV in Mortgage Broking is preferred.Excellent communication skill in both English and MANDARIN.High level problem solving and dispute resolution ability.Vibrant personality, energetic, self-motivation, driven, and passionate.Excellent phone manner and highly developed customer service skills.Exceptional organizational skills, adaptability and common sense, and ability to work with team and individual KPI’s.Take pride in their work and has excellent attention to details.Ability to work under pressure and adapt to ongoing changes in the workplace.
We will provide ongoing job training for candidates who are qualified for this position.
Due to the high volume of responses, we will be only contacting shortlisted candidates.
Note: Previous applicants need not apply.
To apply for this new role, please submit your CV with a brief covering to below email and with “Lending Consultant” as your email title
[email protected]
联系人:Victoria QI
联系方式:02 8599 8599 |