【雅思口语】口语Part 2高分范例大解析

解析一道在2016年频繁出现的雅思口语Part 2题目,这个题目听着简单,但是不少烤鸭考完之后,都抱怨说其实很难把一个故事给描述好,也很难将自己帮助别人的过程描述清楚。 常常说了十几秒就感觉没话可说了,接下来就是各种尴尬的沉默……
有时候就觉得考官一脸茫然的看着自己,显然他没听懂这位同学说的故事究竟是什么。 没关系,今天我们来看一下外教给出的高分口语sample ,看下他是怎样将一个普通的帮助别人的故事给描述清楚的。文后的Key vocabulary是大家学习的重点哦——
【 V51162011 A Situation When You Helped Someone】
Describe a situation when you helped someone.You should say:
What the situation was?
Who the person was?
How you helped them ?
And explain how you felt after helping them.
【Sample Answer】?
I helped a poor family in our hometown during my college years. I can't recall the exact name of the person but I remember that he had a family of 5 members and he was a technician. After a devastating cyclone, his small shop was demolished and he had no other income source or ability to rebuild it. One day I noticed him trying to console his small kids who were demanding for foods. This happened near our college campus and I had been there to meet a friend. I was so touched by the beautiful yet gloomy faced kids that I went ahead and talk to this person. He explained what happened and was talking in a trembling voice. He also told me he assured her wife that he would feed the kids and would bring foods to home.
I bought them some snacks and fruits and asked them to stay nearby for a while. I watched the small kids were eating the foods voraciously and they had smiles on their face. I went to my class and told the whole story to my three close friends. Finally we went to our class teacher and wrote an application regarding the suffering of the person and his family. The teacher permitted us to spend an hour to raise some money for the suffering family from other classes and we were so glad to have the permission.
We had been able to convey the sufferings of this person and his family to the students and teachers and we raised a significant amount of money which was beyond my expectation. With this money we bought some foods and clothes for this family and they were so grateful.
About my feelings, I was very satisfied and contended. This is the first time I realized how enthralling and satisfying it is to help someone. I felt like blessed and the person and his wife revered me as if I was their dear one. In fact being able to help someone in need is something we can only feel and words can't actually describe it.
【Key Vocabulary】?
During my college years 其实这个是一个很简单的表达,也是平日里一直用的到的表达,就是表达了 “在我读大学期间”。
Devastating cyclone Devastating是毁灭性的,破坏力非常强大的那种摧毁。这个单词的程度比较强烈,使用的时候要注意。Cyclone是龙卷风,飓风的意思。
Demolish:V. 拆除,毁坏,破坏
Console:安慰,慰藉。如果想要表达 “安慰某人”的意思,就可以用这个单词哦——
I was so touched by…“我被…感动”的意思,也是一个非常地道的表达。而且很简单,直接用be touched by就可以表达出感动的意思,而不用去想一个特别麻烦的词——
Gloomy:Adj. 沮丧的,阴郁的
Trembling voice:Adj. 发抖的,战栗的。大家可以学习一下这个词组的表达,
Assure:V. 保证,担保
Voraciously:Adv. 狼吞虎咽的
Close friends:其实这样的一个词组,就已经足以表达 “关系比较近的朋友”,“好朋友”这个意思了——
Raise money:
筹款,募捐。这个是固定的表达,以后想要表达 “集资、筹款”这类的意思,就可以直接用raise money哦——
Beyond my expectation:“超出我的预期”的意思,直接用beyond来表达就好,有学生用more than来表达超出预期,这个是不对的哦——
Grateful:Adj. 令人愉快的,感谢的
Enthralling:Adj. 迷人的
Help someone in need:“帮助有需要的人”,这句话是不是大家经常都会想要说?那么就背一下这个表达哦!直接用in need就可以表达啦——
Words can't actually describe it: 这个也是一个大家经常想要用到的句子,摘抄起来,学起来哦——
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